例の翻訳プロジェクト (1) : Yoshiharu Hab ... | fh9xif | sa.yona.la ヘルプ | タグ一覧 | アカウント登録 | ログイン

例の翻訳プロジェクト (1) : Yoshiharu Habu and Modern Shogi


Preface - 'Non-playing Shogi Fan' Declaration

 The Information Revolution and globalization, a growing trend from the end of the 20th Century, have made our society more complex, accelerating changes to our lives and communication speed among ourselves as well as revolutionizing how we work. If we want to be successful as a professional - whatever it is, we have to spend further time on enhancing our professional skills than we used to a decade ago. Like it or not, that is the reality you have to live with, which is no different when you really want to enjoy something in any of your interests.

 Shogi is a culture, deeply rooted in Japanese society and souls. It has fascinated and exciting to many people, especially when they are in their elementary and middle school years. However, as they grew up, those, who had been big fans of shogi, tended to spend less and less time on it and eventually ended up being away from it, because they just became too busy with their own careers - which is what normally happens when we grow up. I myself was one of them, and I guess many others must be the same.

 英文続き、はじめに(Preface) --

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 将棋と言えば日本庭園。 盤上の向こうには 日本庭園が広がり、そこは澄み切った静寂の空間。

いいですねー。和の美。 イメージが少し広がってきた。

 日本庭園の画像は、緑をできるだけフラットになるよう加工した。 立石はほぼモノクロ、それでもマッチする。

・ 元画像 (ページ上から2番目) --

■ 画像大 (951×453) --

■ 翻訳プロジェクト --

投稿者 fh9xif | 返信 (1) | トラックバック (0)


Re: 例の翻訳プロジェクト (1) : Yoshiharu Habu and Modern Shogi

例の翻訳プロジェクト (2) : 羽生氏 and 日本庭園


変わりゆく現代将棋/Changing Modern Shogi

 The future manifests itself through close observation.

 In every era, without exception, there are people who envision the futures invisible to the ordinary, and embark on a journey towards them. They do not merely sit back and ponder about their futuristic vision; they actually act on them in order to realize their visions. And during the process, they express something which provides us with essential hints about the future.

 Those people are called "visionaries."

 Carefully heeding the words generated by those visionaries and envisioning the future based on them: This is how I have worked for over two decades.

 As if digging for gold dust in a desert filled with a massive amount of words generated and accumulated by human beings, I lead my life searching for subtly sparkling signs of the future.

 The greatest visionary in the shogi world is Yoshiharu Habu.

 英文続き、第一章(Chapter 1) --

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 細かい英文がビッシリ、は息がつまる。 イメージできるシーンとして風景的なものががほしい。 日本庭園、この線でいこう。

投稿者 fh9xif | 返信 (2)

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