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Re: ですね
Google Glitch Briefly Disrupts World's Searches |
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Google has become part of so many people's lives on this planet, like a dependable appendage -- until suddenly it malfunctions.
Here’s the gist of Google’s explanation: What happened? Very simply, human error.
Google flags search results with the message “This site may harm your computer” if the site is known to install malicious software in the background or otherwise surreptitiously.
Fortunately, our on-call site reliability team found the problem quickly and reverted the file. Since we push these updates in a staggered and rolling fashion, the errors began appearing between 6:27 a.m. and 6:40 a.m. and began disappearing between 7:10 and 7:25 a.m., so the duration of the problem for any particular user was approximately 40 minutes.
glitch (機械・計画などの)欠陥,故障
appendage 付加物,付属物
gist [the 〜] 〔…の〕要点,要旨
surreptitious (特に,不正な理由で)人目を忍んで行なう,内密の
stagger よろめく,よろよろする
revert 〔もとの習慣・状態などに〕帰る,逆戻りする
Thai protesters swarm prime minister’s compound |
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Tens of thousands of Thai anti-government protesters swarmed into the prime minister’s office compound in Bangkok on Saturday in a bid to press for fresh elections, the latest example of the political dysfunction that has roiled the Southeast Asian kingdom for nearly three years.
However, unlike previous protests, UDD organizers said protesters would not enter Government House, and would disperse after reading a list of demands that include the swift prosecution of PAD members who seized two Bangkok airports last year, paralysing air traffic and denting the economy.
swarm 群がる,たかる
compound 複合、混合
in a bid to 〜 しようとして、〜を目指して
roil 〈液体を〉(かき乱して)濁らせる
disperse 消散する 解散する
swift すみやかな
prosecution 起訴
Re: Lifestream
Lifestream |
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Re: 世界中と稲妻
ご丁寧にありがとうございます。 |
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Re: 仮名遣い
Auditors: We May Never Know If Bank Bailout Worked |
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WASHINGTON — We may never know whether the government's $700 billion bailout of the financial industry worked, according to a new report from congressional auditors. That's because it will be impossible to sort out which of the government's spending and other tinkering has made a difference, according to the report released Friday by the Government Accountability Office.
"The lack of a clearly articulated vision has complicated Treasury's ability to effectively communicate to Congress, the financial markets, and the public on the benefits of TARP," the report said.
sort out 〈…を〉分類する
tinker 〔…を〕下手に修繕する,(修繕のつもりで)下手にいじくり回す
articulate 〈考え・論旨など〉明確な,理路整然とした.
Mizuho slashes profit forecast |
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Of the Y150bn Mizuho lopped off from its forecast net earnings for the year, Y80bn was due to higher credit costs suffered in the third quarter and expected in the fourth quarter.
“It’s hard to glean too many positives from these results,” said Jason Rogers, analyst at Barclays in Singapore.
However, Mr Rogers said Japanese banks were likely to have to raise even more capital in the form of common shares, as the dire economic situation led to increasing non-performing loans.
lop 〈…を〉削る 〈off,away〉
glean 〈情報・事実・知識などを〉(苦労して少しずつ)収集する 〔from〕
dire 恐ろしい,ものすごい; 悲惨な
Re: それが
確かに、ありましたねぇ |
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Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008 |
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In the fourth quarter alone crude tumbled 60 percent, prompting spending and job cuts in an industry that was reporting robust, often record, profits as recently as last summer.
With piles of cash and diversified operations, the majors like Exxon Mobil have fared better than many smaller oil and gas companies, but Friday's results show no one is completely insulated from the ongoing malaise.
Exxon Mobil said it bought 119 million shares of its common stock in the quarter at a cost of $8.8 billion. Roughly $8 billion of that amount was dedicated to reducing the number of shares outstanding; the balance was used to offset shares issued as part of the company's benefit plans.
prompt 〈人・行動を〉刺激する
robust 〈経済など〉健全な
insulate 〔…から〕隔離する
malaise 沈滞
dedicate ささげる